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Sprint 3 Day 1 Month 3

Hiya! Welcome back to our blog! Today we are in our final months! Everyone here has taken all the feedback from the Game Fair and applied it to our newest build! A lot of problems that have arisen in the previous build were touched upon and fixed and in some cases, completely retuned! We couldn’t have found these nasty little bugs if it weren’t for people like you who came and offered their thoughts and issues. Seriously guys and gals, we couldn’t make this game as nice as it is without you. Anyway, we have come a long way from our first month on this astounding project!

Currently, we are refining some our older models and making them look pretty for you. Who doesn’t like a pretty looking game? I know I love it. Not only that, but we are looking at some of the more technical side of things and improving those so the game has fluidity like water. Our team members or “minions” as we in the Community Relations Branch (That’s just fancy talk for Marketing team) like to refer to our team members. They are hardworking minions aiming to create game not only they will be proud of but something for you to enjoy! That’s all for today! Thanks again for everyone’s support, this game wouldn’t be as smooth without all of you! Remember; don’t let your fear control you and you will go far! Later, I am signing off for the day! See ya next time!

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