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Story for Nightmare the Video Game

Nightmare Story Synopsis:


Location: Montana 2054













Story: In the year 2054 you are a young man living with your wife and two children in Montana. You watch the world crumble in a constant state of destruction from wars, climate change; food and water shortages instill fear in you and your family each day. You have been noticing in the past years an organization known as “The Lodge” build bases in most countries and cities across the globe.


They have been an organization of peace and stability helping the world the best they can. This organization, from your knowledge, is an organization created by scientists, entrepreneurs, government officials with infinite resources. They have proposed an idea; what happens if we lived in a world with no fear? They have built thousands, if not more, machines around the world that allow people to traverse their mind in a simulated nightmare to face their worst fears. Once they have beaten back their worst fears they can live their life, fearless and not afraid.


They offer this service free of charge, in order to help better the world. You jump at the offer and put on your shoes, leaving your family for the day to go to the local Lodge Headquarters and try this machine. Strapping yourself in you realize that you will be entering the darkest pits of your mind to face your worst fears and nightmares. The last thing you hear from one of the fellow Lodge scientist is “You do not need a cure for fear, because you can overcome it yourself”.


Characters or Groups:










Patient 52 (You): – An honest and hardworking citizen living in Montana looking for a way to provide for their family. Has claustrophobia after the death of a loved one in sunken cave on vacation.



The Lodge – An organization created by scientists, government officials, and wealthy entrepreneurs with infinite resources are looking to better the world along with helping the common folk.  Their main goal after attempting to help the world after twenty years is to remove fear from humanity. They believe fear is the main cause of violence, wars, and issues that the world faces in a time of crisis. Their solution is to build a machine that can put a person into a simulated nightmare and face off the very phobias that incite their fear. Once an individual’s faces their worst fears the machine aids in altering their mind to not feel fear in the real world. Their moto is “You do not need a cure for fear, because you can overcome it yourself”. Their operations are free of charge and since “The Lodge” has hands in every country it is very accessible for mankind to access these machines.













Dr. Steltz – Dr. Steltz is a high ranking member in “The Lodge” and runs the Montana division. Dr. Steltz has been a member of “The Lodge” for years and has been aiding in the construction of the fear remover machine. Dr. Steltz is a very powerful individual in “The Lodge” and is respected by most.  Dr. Steltz is also a Leading Professor of Psychology at the Montana Institute for Fear and Phobia Research.










Lab Minions: During the nightmares that Dr. Steltz puts patients in, he creates horrifying minions that attack patients to slow there progress. The minions are based on the overall fear of the individual. In the nightmare that Patient 52 is in, the minions are based on claustrophobia. Minions will include spiders, bugs, and various mutated minions that you would be afraid of if your fear was claustrophobia. 


Main Supporting Characters:


Dr. Huggins – Considered the sane one of the bunch, she is Dr. Steltz’s new apprentice. She was very optimistic when she joined “The Lodge” and was assigned to the Montana Division. She has found out of Dr. Steltz’s plan to slow the mental progression of the patients. She knows that she can do nothing to stop him and that there is very little chance that she can expose him. Instead, she tries to help every ‘experiment’ that enters Dr. Steltz's office. She hopes that if she can aid one of the experiments out of the nightmare that Dr. Steltz has put them under, she can team up with them to take down Dr. Steltz and reveal his treachery.











Primary Location: Patient 52’s Nightmare is based on claustrophobia. The nightmare inside of the patient's mind includes small tight areas and confined places. Within this location there are numerous “minions” that will be sent in to destroy patient 52. 


Additive comprehension: Nightmare: a game about facing your worst fears in a simulated nightmare, once your beat you worst fears your mind is now altered to live a life with no fears. You do not need to cure fear you can cure it yourself.


Tagline: Face your worst phobias and fears by being put in a simulated nightmare to alter your mind to not feel real fear in the life.




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