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Sprint 2 Day 5 Month 2

How’s everyone today? Here‘s some news for ya! Today we had our monthly Game fair where student and visitor alike comes to try out all of the great games that are coming out or currently in progress from our little hideaway in North Hollywood. Guess which game was featured yet again, if you guessed Nightmare, then you are correct! That’s right; Nightmare was once again released to the public for testing! No, not the dull paper exam test, nope, not that one, no we’re talking about the type of testing where you come in try it out and possibly break it! Yes, your eyes are not playing tricks on you; people come to break our game! Why you ask? Simple! To help us bring you a quality game!

Yes, it’s strange, but all of us are strange! It’s great for quality assurance. Not to mention you get the little feeling of knowing that you help make this game amazing! Yes, for every bit of feedback we gain, we get a little insight on how to make or improve our game for the better. We here at Terribly Unique Games Studio are ever so grateful for those who took the time out of the day (we all know how busy we can get with our daily lives) and offer us critique. Once again, we here at T.U.G thank you for your support! That’s all for today! Tune in next time to see what else we have for you!

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