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Sprint 4 Day 2 Month 3

How is everyone? It’s a warm Wednesday here in Hollywood, so leave all your warm clothing in your wardrobe and soak up some rays! Check it out, I’m a weatherman now! Not really, so we ran into some snags with those videos, apparently, the sound is silent! How terrifying! So we have our good man, Desmond, working on that to resolve the issue! Boy is he frustrated.

-This is one of our UI, Justin.

Once again, nothing to report on the technicalities of programming, but they have made progress in other things. Drum roll please! *bangs some drums* we have our Oculus up and running with the current build, you read it right! There will be VR for this game, so get ready to experience fear first hand! Oh boy, I played that myself and man is it effective. Not that I was scared or anything, I’m a Blog Overlord, you don’t get that title by being afraid of stuff. Yeah, totally. Well, that’s all the news for today! I’ll see you guys on the flip side. (I’m so cool) Victor, signing off!

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