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Sprint 4 Day 4 Month 3

Tis the time to be blogging! Warm noon my friends, it warms the hearth to gaze upon thee. There’s my Shakespearean greeting. Did you enjoy? No, okay…let’s try this; Today turned out to be a time of strife for our fare minion team as they collide with unresponsive gamepads and elusive animation and textures! It is up to the one and only Batminions to find these fiendish Ne’re-do-wells!

-The Batminions hard at work solving these crimes of the Deadly Trio of Technicality!

Only the Batminions can hope to correct the Gamepad and put it on path of response! The Elusive Animation and textures are being tracked so they may once again be where they belong! The true Mastermind behind these troubles is the VR, Oculus. Yes, The Batminions are in for a long one with this trio of technicality! It’s a good thing The Batminions are well versed with these enemies and are tackling them with extreme prejudice. None can hope to beat the fearsome Batminions! This has been The Bloggery Dood, Victor, reporting in live from the T.U.G Studios in Hollywood.

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